Outlaw Heart

Outlaw Heart

When I was younger, I lived for about a year in New Mexico – for a few months playing at the La Fonda hotel – a very old establishment in the heart of Santa Fe.  I loved the experience – being in the high desert, surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo mountains, steeped in the … Read more


Fear Of Flying

I wasn’t afraid of flying as a child. I can remember our family flying from Pittsburgh to New York City when I was no more than eight years old, and that was back in the days when stewardesses (not “flight attendants”) wore little hats and gave out tiny pairs of wings to the kids for their … Read more



As near as I can tell, I was conceived about the same time as television – well, maybe born about the same time as television.  I guess you could say television was conceived a long time ago.  Both television and I were introduced, anyway, about the middle of the twentieth century.  I was most certainly … Read more

Misfits Welcome

Misfits Welcome

Growing up a small, pale, Jewish girl in Pittsburgh in the 50s,  I was the odd one. For one thing, I had very curly, frizzy hair.  No matter how hard I tried to tame it with barrettes, bobby pins, rubber bands, and goop, the bangs still flipped up, the curls went in every direction, and … Read more

Hedging Our Bets

Hedging Our Bets

Music runs in my family. My father, who had written songs during World War II as a POW in Germany, had dismissed the notion of being a professional songwriter after the war as a crazy, impractical idea. He opted instead to partner with his brothers in a home improvement business in order to provide for … Read more