Musicish – A Translation

Musicish - A Translation

For as long as I can remember, music has had a profound effect on me. It was my comforter when I was sad, my companion when I was lonely, my protector when I was scared, my cheerleader when I was unsure of myself. I sang to myself constantly as a child. It was so second-nature that … Read more

Labor Day Reflections

Labor Day Reflections

Dear Reader, I sometimes think I was born in the wrong century.  Domestic bliss comes naturally to me.  Career (at least with a Capital C) does not. The rest of the day will be devoted to laundry.  Ho-hum, you say?  Well, yes, I suppose, in a way.  But it’s Labor Day, and what else can … Read more

Lovingkindness Meditation

Lovingkindness Meditation

In these turbulent times, when there is so much political discord and the noise level from our TVs, radios, Internet and print has reached staggering proportions, you might find – as I do – that it is important, maybe even crucial, that you take some time off from the cacophony and clear, or at least … Read more

I Want Pockets!

I Want Pockets!

I have a problem.  Here I am, a grown-ass woman, with all the advantages that I could wish for – a great marriage, a nice home, friends, and neighbors who care, a wonderful family.  As I count my many blessings, I feel embarrassed to say so, but there is one vital thing that I sorely … Read more



Art and I had decided it was time to repaint the front door. Our house faces east, so we get tons of morning sun, and in the five or so years since we had had the house painted, our dark chocolate brown door had become more the color of – well, let’s just say, it … Read more



It started out innocently enough. Back in the early ‘90s, when I was working as a legal secretary, I was dragged kicking and screaming to the cutting edge of technology.  I was telecommuting – a big deal, back then.  Taking transcription in the comfort of my own home (most days, in my ‘jammies!)  At that … Read more



My husband, Art, was brought up in a small town in Connecticut, and when his parents were alive, we used to go there at least once a year in autumn to visit.  Every time we were there, we were overwhelmed by the beauty of this place.  Late September is, of course, an ideal time of … Read more