
Morning Pages

Morning Pages

Years ago, when I was going through a dry spell as a songwriter, I stumbled upon a book by Julia Cameron called The Artist’s Way.  It is a 12-step program for recovering artists. This book gave me some very practical tools for opening my (sometimes blocked) creative channels. For a long time, it was my … Read more

The Warranty

The Warranty

One of my favorite crackpot theories is my theory of the Warranty.  This one came to me in a flash about ten years ago. Here’s the theory:  When we are born we are like new cars; shiny, perfect, unblemished, and full of promise.  Apart from the occasional childhood illness (measles, mumps, stomach virus), most of … Read more

Catalog Fantasies

Catalog Fantasies

I was leafing through yet another catalog the other day – L.L. Bean?  Land’s End? J. Crew – No, I don’t get J. Crew – I don’t know.  They all start to look the same – Meaning no disrespect to the creative people who dreamt up all those charming little accoutrements, but here’s the thing:  … Read more

Romantic Love

Romantic Love

A few years ago Art and I rented, “Like Water For Chocolate”, a Latin-American fantasy-realism kind of a tale in which the star-crossed lovers are thwarted by an evil matriarch who insists that the youngest daughter remain unmarried and serve her mother all her life. In the early part of the movie, the girl and … Read more

Ant Wars

Ant Wars

It all began on a beautiful day in May.  I had fed our kitties outside in their “kitty room”, a sort of makeshift shelter consisting mostly of white lattice work wood and a fiberglass roof attached to the side porch of our house.  The kitties have a pet door that leads them out there from … Read more

Take It Easy

Take It Easy

My mother taught me never to talk about religion or politics in mixed company.  In fact, she taught me never to talk about religion or politics at all! It always leads to big arguments.  It ruins friendships, wrecks marriages, and nobody ever gets converted.  To put it another way, as Art and I have so … Read more



There is no problem that can’t be solved over a cup of tea.  Art and I have been sipping tea together now for about thirty years.  There is tea every morning with breakfast, and usually, another cup of tea in the afternoon. We both like it with milk (the preferred British way). We prefer Irish … Read more